[00:10] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - #Game-FM loshi sa -> clones
[00:11] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - nema da se spresh skoro ti
[00:14] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[00:15] !irc.naturella.com! Remote CONNECT irc.ttm.bg 9000 from Pechenia
[00:23] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[00:27] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[00:37] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[00:37] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://darkness.online.bg/~darknet/retr0
[00:37] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://darkness.online.bg/~darknet/retro
[00:37] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ei mi gi 2te playlisti.. imam oshte kam 2gb unstored
[00:38] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - E:\retro\megamix party mix 1999 - dance music.mp3
[00:38] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - kf0 shte kajete;P
[00:38] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - zema da si pusna edn0 radi0;P
[00:39] !JaSeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - kupi si 1 sprinzofka ukul

[00:39] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - darky ti ne si li rapar :>
[00:39] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[00:39] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - amm slushah edn0 vreme..
[00:39] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - nisht0 che i brake tancuvah.. suma vreme..
[00:40] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]
[00:40] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ze da me marzi..
[00:42] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - samba;]
[00:55] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@lan1-129.optilinkbg.com - IP
[00:57] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne go triggvaite
[00:57] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - moment taka, molq.
[00:58] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@pcp04465711pcs.trnrsv01.nj.comcast.net [fuckin' inviter]
[01:12] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [it's not wise to use this exploit] (1h)
[01:14] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] NOEXPIRE [CrazyChild] ON
[01:15] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] NOEXPIRE [Logz] ON
[01:15] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka
[01:17] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka
[01:18] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://www.bangedup.com/new_site/post.php?media=130 NE E ZA HORA SYS SLABI SURCA !!!!

[01:18] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - SERIOZNO GOVORQ
[01:18] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - kvo e tva ?
[01:18] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - che shto go puskash tuka ?
[01:18] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:18] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - obezglavqvane...
[01:18] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - na kakvo ?
[01:19] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - na chovek...
[01:19] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - na koi ?
[01:19] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ivo
[01:19] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - stiga be
[01:19] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ima si pravila
[01:19] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - spec za takiva
[01:19] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - na koi ?
[01:19] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - gadno li e ?
[01:20] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - meko kazano
[01:20] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - Ekzekuciqta na edin Koreec - BEZ CENZURA E !!! http://www.bangedup.com/new_site/post.php?media=130
[01:20] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - ....
[01:20] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - ugasno e
[01:21] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - pfy
[01:21] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - zaebi nqma da go gledam
[01:21] !Ace_Of_Spades([email protected])! OPERWALL - sq ste spq
[01:25] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Fireman!~[email protected] OMODE #dimitrovgrad -m
[01:27] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - po dobre nedei go gleda
[01:27] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://ogrish.com a tova pak izobshto ...
[01:29] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - flood ot pcp02963251pcs.strl1201.mi.comcast.net
[01:29] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - abe kvi sa teq glinez bre ...*@193.68.120.*
[01:29] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - * ...
[01:29] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`sad![email protected] GLINE *@pcp02963251pcs.strl1201.mi.comcast.net [flooderz ... out] (24h) (5 matches)
[01:29] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@pcp02963251pcs.strl1201.mi.comcast.net [abusive proxy]
[01:30] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - wuobshte w #nfs8 ima flood
[01:30] !src`sad([email protected])! OPERWALL - xaxaxa;-)
[01:30] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`sad![email protected] GLINE *@24-117-168-115.cpe.cableone.net [flooderz ... out] (1 matches)
[01:30] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@acs-24-154-187-148.zoominternet.net
[01:30] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - abe wsi4kite tiq ohoto tam sa flood bots..
[01:30] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`sad![email protected] GLINE *@acs-24-154-187-148.zoominternet.net [flooderz ... out] (3 matches)
[01:31] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`sad![email protected] GLINE *@ip68-6-50-165.sb.sd.cox.net [flooderz ... out] (3 matches)
[01:31] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`sad![email protected] GLINE *@filtering.westelcom.com [flooderz ... out] (3 matches)
[01:31] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`sad![email protected] GLINE *@115-90.homelan.pazardjik.com [flooderz ... out] (48h) (1 matches)
[01:32] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`sad![email protected] GLINE *@115-97.homelan.pazardjik.com [flooderz ... out] (48h) (1 matches)
[01:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ima edin kanal
[01:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - za opersko
[01:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - nabludenie
[01:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - koi iska da go poeme
[01:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - #dimitrovgrad
[01:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - nemogat da si go razdelqt
[01:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:35] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - kwo znachi opersko nabliudenie

[01:35] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - shte ima li poni4ki

[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - neznaia
[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - prosto sa biqt tam
[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - i nemoga da zeme reshenie
[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - koq ili koi
[01:35] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - e nali nqmalo
[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - e praw
[01:35] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - chans sus spec statut, kak shte im vzemem kanala?
[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - po princip twa sa reshawa
[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - s opersko nabludenie
[01:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - sega she ti pokaja kak
[01:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - kwo mu e specialnoto
[01:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - che ma wikat
[01:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - po osemnaise pyti li
[01:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - da si pokajat na koi mu e po-golqma
[01:36] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - fir0 nakaju gi;Ppppp
[01:36] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]
[01:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - koi she go poeme
[01:36] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - az;]
[01:36] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha
[01:36] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;Ppppp
[01:38] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@Dynamic-IP-143.PPPoE.Lan1.Rousse.SpNet.Net [Founder Invite !@R#^@$#^@] (4 matches)
[01:38] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ia elate
[01:38] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - da reshim zaedno
[01:38] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:38] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] UNGLINE Dynamic-IP-143.PPPoE.Lan1.Rousse.SpNet.Net
[01:38] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]
[01:38] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - sipi im we..;]
[01:38] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@Dynamic-IP-143.PPPoE.Lan1.Rousse.SpNet.Net [Founder Invite !@R#^@$#^@] (12h) (0 matches)
[01:39] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - spoko te sa poprawiha
[01:39] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:40] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - mi ne fe ak0 ne m0gat da se razberat..
[01:40] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahah
[01:40] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]]]]
[01:40] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - gleu kf0 sta;]] kat0 im kazah che sa ot sel0;Ppppp
[01:41] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ida
[01:42] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - <ScorpionX> darknet kato kanlite sofia i plovdiv ti haresvat zemai tqh i ostai seloto ni na mira
[01:42] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahaha;]]
[01:42] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - darky dai da razdelim sofiata

[01:43] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@c-24-13-53-241.client.comcast.net [it's not wise to use this exploit] (1h)
[01:43] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - nie.. ne iskam..;] tq si ima sobstfenik..
[01:43] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne mi se zanimava s kanalni pr0st0tii;]
[01:43] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - delete kf0t0 iskate;]
[01:43] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - hihih
[01:43] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[01:43] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - Neneh Cherry - Seven Seconds
[01:44] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ISKATE LI KANALA DA BUDE NA DRUG?
[01:44] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[01:45] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - mislq
[01:45] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - che toq kanal
[01:45] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - #dimitrovgrad
[01:45] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - se nujdae ot hora
[01:45] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - koito sa rodeni tam
[01:45] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - mda taka e

[01:45] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - w momenta go uprawlqwat sofianci
[01:46] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - firo, ostavi gi be chovek... te sa si regnali kanala, tehen e.
[01:46] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne e taka
[01:46] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ti ako si ot tam
[01:46] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - she traesh li
[01:46] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqkoi ot drug grad
[01:46] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - da ti meli koe i kak
[01:46] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ?
[01:46] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - abe firo ima prawo, samo che spored prawilata mordeth e praw

[01:46] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - znam, che e sux.. no tova e druga tema na razgovor
[01:46] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - taka che az si traem :>
[01:46] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ami she go predloja za glasuwane
[01:47] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - kuw e problema
[01:47] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:47] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - tova e dobro za predlojenie na votinga, boache e trudno nakazuemo
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne..
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]
[01:47] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - ops, dokazuemo
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne m0je;]
[01:47] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - sobstwenicite na gradowete-kanali
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - az edn0 vreme.. iskah da puskam.. p0d0ben vid glasuvane;]
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - kazaha mi che ne m0je;P
[01:47] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - da sa ot ednoimennite takiwa
[01:47] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:47] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - kwo prechi
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - afe.. az p0dkrepqm fir0;]
[01:47] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobre zvuchi, no kak shte go dokajesh?
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ak0 iskash daje pishi che e p0 m0u req
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]]]
[01:47] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha
[01:47] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - az nqma da dokazwam nishto
[01:48] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - az sushto podkrepqm ideqta founderi na gradski kanali da sa ot tam
[01:48] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - obache e komplicirano
[01:48] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - i bez tfa sum sfiknal na nalivite;P
[01:48] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - dam
[01:48] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - mi huu de;]
[01:48] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - #plovdiv foundera e ot sofia;]
[01:48] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - a tia det0 g0 0pravlqvat.. sa ot kade li ne;]
[01:48] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - ama successora e ot plovdiv

[01:49] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@ [clon4eto ve4e se 4upi

[01:49] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:49] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - she stane slojno
[01:49] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - otkazwam sa
[01:49] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - nidei we;]
[01:50] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - dai az shte g0 p0ema g0t0f sum;] i shte g0 dam.. p0sle na f0under ot grada..
[01:50] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - firo, dai go na koito precenish... ponqkoga e nujno da nahodchivi
[01:50] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - da sme nahodchivi, makar i pravilata...
[01:50] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - sh0m nqma pr0tif;] kat0 gledam tuka nqma nali?;]
[01:51] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] SECURE #love_rousse
[01:51] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnogo
[01:51] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - e
[01:51] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - neobhwatno
[01:51] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - i multiplicirano
[01:51] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - so
[01:51] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - otkazwam se
[01:51] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:53] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - emii huu neka se spasqwat;P
[01:53] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - doskoro
[01:53] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae
[01:53] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka
[01:53] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - shtoto she go izmislq
[01:53] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[01:53] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnogo pozdravi na vsichki ot flestA:)
[01:53] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka
[01:55] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ))
[01:55] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - brutro
[01:57] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@~nedko?? [clones] (7h)
[01:58] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] UNGLINE *@~nedko??
[01:58] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE ~nedko??@* [clones] (7h)
[01:58] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE ~qnko??@* [clones] (7h)
[01:59] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE ~Sezgin?@* [clones] (7h)
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - kefi ma kak
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - w kanalite
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - narejdat admins and opers
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - kogato gi nqma tam
[02:00] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - i ti ma kefish, shti zwynna

[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - nedei
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - nesum gay :
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:00] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - uaa :>>>>
[02:00] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - hihihihi
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - pian si
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - meri si prikazkite
[02:00] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE ~*@solarhost.info [clones] (7h)
[02:00] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - brb
[02:01] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - toa solarhost mu ebawate maikata wseki put :>
[02:01] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] KILLHOST *@solarhost.info [q si kupete iPta 4e kafa s 1 host 2020320309128 choveka]
[02:01] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - bax ne gi killna
[02:01] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:02] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - zashto li...
[02:02] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - nad 30 sa
[02:02] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE [email protected] [clones] (7h)
[02:02] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE [email protected] [clonez fix? or az shte gi fix
![On the phone :)]](./images/smilies/100.gif)
[02:03] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE WiLBuR@* [clones] (7h)
[02:03] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE [email protected] [clonez fix? or az shte gi fix
![On the phone :)]](./images/smilies/100.gif)
[02:03] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka
[02:03] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE [email protected] [clonez fix? or az shte gi fix

![On the phone :)]](./images/smilies/100.gif)
[02:03] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE [email protected] [clonez fix? or az shte gi fix
![On the phone :)]](./images/smilies/100.gif)
[02:07] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@193.68.131.* [clonez !!! SHELL FIX !!!] (5h) (382 matches)
[02:07] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - dam
[02:07] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - chupix rekorda
[02:07] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:07] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Nice ;-)
[02:08] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@x-stream.elitsat.net [dcc exploiter] (5h) (5 matches)
[02:10] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@80.72.94.* [clonez !!! SHELL FIX !!!] (5h) (53 matches)
[02:12] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE ~*@kyche.RLan.Org [clonez !!! + Non IDENTD fix] (5h) (6 matches)
[02:15] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE ~user?@* [clonez ident !!! 0ut] (24h) (18 matches)
[02:15] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE ~user??@* [clonez ident !!! 0ut] (24h) (1 matches)
[02:18] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] KILLHOST *@ [kafa ve4e s toq spam !]
[02:21] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] KILLCHAN #Fn -nonopers [clonez channel]
[02:23] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] NOEXPIRE [^RAHLO^] ON
[02:30] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] NOEXPIRE [Sugar^baby] ON
[02:33] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Fireman!~[email protected] FORBID ScorpionX [<ScorpionX> neiskam da budq edva_li ili miraculix tuka da stava ludnica]
[02:34] !SpooK([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - awe
[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo
[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - patronoi
[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:34] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - xaxaxaxaxa
[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - patroni
[02:34] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - da be kvo govorish

[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - sa nawydili
[02:34] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - celi patrondashi

[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - da we
[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - nemoat da hodqt
[02:34] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ot amunicii
[02:35] !SpooK([email protected])! OPERWALL - decata rastat w edna iluzia i za towa taka goworiat

[02:35] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] FORBID _ScorpionX [<_ScorpionX> neiskam da budq edva_li ili miraculix tuka da stava ludnica]
[02:35] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - damz
[02:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako iskash
[02:35] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - rename go na abuse
[02:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako ti areswa powece
[02:36] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] KILLHOST *@ [stop]
[02:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahaha
[02:36] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:41] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Fireman!~[email protected] UNFORBID [ScorpionX]
[02:42] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]]
[02:42] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] UNFORBID [_ScorpionX]
[02:43] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - choweka se izwini
[02:43] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:44] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]]]]
[02:44] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - usetix

[02:45] !SpooK([email protected])! OPERWALL - nd-ppp17.networx-bg.com
[02:46] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@nd-ppp17.networx-bg.com [qko clon4e] (87 matches)
[02:46] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - neka posedi
[02:46] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[02:47] !SpooK([email protected])! OPERWALL - nali gledash sanserva k`wo reportwa de

[02:48] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - da be ama sum otnesal

[02:49] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[02:49] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE zolumov@* [clonez ident] (48h) (7 matches)
[02:52] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@lan1-129.optilinkbg.com - IP
[02:54] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@ [dcc eploitz] (1 matches)
[02:54] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] GLINE *@gso26-139-250.triad.rr.com [dcc eploitz] (1 matches)
[02:56] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@lan1-129.optilinkbg.com - IP
[03:09] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[03:09] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - ima li iuristi
[03:09] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - online?
[03:09] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne, ima turisti online
[03:10] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - jalko
[03:10] !Fireman([email protected])! OPERWALL - a az pitah seriozno...
[03:10] !src`home([email protected])! OPERWALL - spat
[03:11] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] NOEXPIRE [DaRkLaDyX] ON
[03:12] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] NOEXPIRE [d1] ON
[03:12] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`home![email protected] NOEXPIRE [Ina_`] ON
[07:08] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro utro:)
[08:01] !OOP([email protected])! OPERWALL - kakvo e tova >>> #bursa VCD H [email protected] :4 @
[08:31] !ObieOne([email protected])! OPERWALL - brutru
[08:31] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro
[09:04] !edva_li(edva_li@edva_li.Admin.lt-tech.org)! OPERWALL - dobro utro
[09:05] !shocking_blue([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro

[09:16] !irc.lirex.com! Remote CONNECT irc.mnet.bg 9000 from dirdel
[09:38] !JamesBond([email protected])! OPERWALL - brutru
[09:41] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro utro
[10:02] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~edva_li@edva_li.Admin.lt-tech.org UNFORBID [I\0_Error]
[10:24] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`off![email protected] GLINE *@ [dcc exploitz] (12 matches)
[10:24] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`off![email protected] UNGLINE *@
[10:25] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`off![email protected] GLINE *@ [dcc exploitz] (2h) (0 matches)
[11:08] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kelesh has been running through the woods, reached the cemetery gates, climbed the gate between life and death and walked upon the moolit graves
[11:08] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER HAVOC Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[11:08] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER KyLiE rides to the field bearing a battle axe
[11:27] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li`tc!~edva_li@edva_li.Admin.lt-tech.org SECURE #hipodil
[11:50] !irc.prolink.bg! Remote CONNECT irc.cellsys.net 9000 from npu3pak_
[11:50] !irc.naturella.com! Remote CONNECT irc.cellsys.net 9000 from npu3pak_
[11:51] !irc.lirex.com! Remote CONNECT irc.cellsys.net 9000 from npu3pak_
[12:01] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER RaDaR was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other
[12:04] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro
[12:05] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - milenski ..
[12:07] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - [12:10] * m_duha_na_m (~[email protected]) has joined #Pomorie
[12:07] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefo

[12:07] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - kade e cellsys-a:)
[12:12] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@tarazed.Stanford.EDU :invite za #petlino. LamerMan req
[12:23] !irc.naturella.com! Remote CONNECT irc.unibg.org 9000 from Archon
[12:24] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - aaa doshli sa bre
[12:30] !irc.spnet.net! Remote CONNECT irc.unibg.org 9000 from Archon
[12:32] !irc.techno-link.com! Remote CONNECT irc.unibg.org 9000 from Archon
[12:43] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp
[12:44] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - tafe samo nie li sme jivi!?
[12:44] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - mai mai
[12:44] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - bahti ot 238947298432 opers...
[12:44] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - 2 online li ?
[12:44] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - a kwo
[12:44] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - i az sym tuka ve;p
[12:44] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - a privet;)
[12:45] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - asuport togaa

[12:45] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - abre to cialoto *.tpnet.pl trea DA E V GLINERA
[12:45] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - adi requestwai :>
[12:46] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - davai
[12:46] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/ladies ... mages/801/
[12:47] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - hiihihihiiih dlh e prerkasen:>
[12:47] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - dawa linkowe deto ne bachkat

[12:47] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - eee super si
[12:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - BadAngel q sa vledai pak:)
[12:47] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - error 403 - forbidden address
[12:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - BadAngel bachka si toi...

[12:47] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - bachkat be
[12:48] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - BadAngel taka se kazva imege-a:)
[12:48] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - of..
[12:48] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - EAHehahEAHEAHEHAHeaHEAHEhAEhaheAHEhaehAHeAehAHeha
[12:51] Last message repeated 4 time(s).
[12:51] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] FORBID zefir0v [tva na ni6to ne prili4a ve4e !!!!]
[12:56] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *[email protected] :invite za #sp0rt. Milen req
[12:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - zoranche:)
[12:59] !VaGaReC([email protected])! OPERWALL - milencho ;]
[13:01] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /who
[13:02] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - w0w... kyf e toq shit
[13:03] !VaGaReC([email protected])! OPERWALL - i pochti vsichki vuv #ch_user
[13:03] !VaGaReC([email protected])! OPERWALL - q re
[13:03] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :mnuo clones mnoo chudo. Milen req
[13:03] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - ehe kva krasota se poluchi v #ch_user
[13:03] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - ukapaha nad 40 usera:)
[13:03] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - da de clona
[13:03] !VaGaReC([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]
[13:04] !VaGaReC([email protected])! OPERWALL - haide lek vi den
[13:04] !ObieOne([email protected])! OPERWALL - napravo chan-a da zaminava ako host-a ima neshto obshto s user add v kanala
[13:04] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Obie.... good idea
[13:06] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/sysadmin/344f/
[13:06] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh da ne order-vash!?:)
[13:08] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne shipvat do bg

[13:09] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[13:09] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - loshu:>
[13:09] !krachun([email protected])! OPERWALL - as predi 3-4 god si beh zel takva flanelka
[13:09] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - krachune otkade?
[13:09] !krachun([email protected])! OPERWALL - ot sushtoia site we togava prashtaha do BG
[13:15] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *[email protected] :invite za #rap^zone. Milen req
[13:30] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *[email protected] :clones. LamerMan req
[13:33] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - suppppppp
[13:34] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - tva sho ne sa trigna ?
[13:34] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - I have no fuckin idea:)
[13:36] !dirdel([email protected])! OPERWALL - ima validen gline irc.naturella.com G * * [by Milen, ObieOne, VaGaReC] mnuo clones mnoo chudo. Milen req (2004/08/09 13.03)
[13:36] !dirdel([email protected])! OPERWALL - samo deto si gi puska ...
[13:37] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - dirdel ima... a togava shto ima users vytre
[13:37] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - prosto super....
[13:37] !dirdel([email protected])! OPERWALL - a de

[13:37] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - a taka mama .. skarai mu sa

[13:38] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite za #Manchester_United_Forever. Milen req
[13:41] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - one more
[13:44] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - iiiiiii tva 7days rings bilo strashna raota
[13:44] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo qki:)
[13:51] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *[email protected] :invite za #lydi. Milen req
[13:57] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - tnx
[13:58] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *[email protected] :invite za #TrustTheDJ
[13:58] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *[email protected] :invite za #snobu
[13:59] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Ramb0!~[email protected] FORBID Chori` [ivniter
![On the phone :)]](./images/smilies/100.gif)
[13:59] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - darky pusni za *@
[14:00] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk creeping from hell
[14:00] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - misi
[14:00] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Ramb0!~[email protected] FORBID Stankata [IVNITER
![On the phone :)]](./images/smilies/100.gif)
[14:01] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Ramb0!~[email protected] FORBID #friend's [founder ivnite

[14:01] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - ramb0 ne e founder invite, fake e
[14:02] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - invite bot-a friend's go puskat ot razni ip-ta za da se forbidne kanala, gowori s Backo toi shte potwyrdi
[14:02] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - <Chori`> ela v #friend's ima i trivia

[14:02] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - ---------------[whowas Chori`]----------------------------
[14:02] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - hostname: ~[email protected]
[14:03] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@03.8.doom.bg :invite za #MeNcO
[14:03] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - founder stankata
[14:03] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - ---------------[whowas Stankata]----------------------------
[14:03] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - hostname: ~[email protected]
[14:03] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - hum qsno, znachi sym goworil s drugiq founder, dobre
[14:03] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[14:04] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - kwo gi praim tiya
[14:04] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqma proshka za inv
[14:04] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - bum ....
[14:04] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - na [email protected] li da e gline-a ili na cqloto ip
[14:05] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - davai
[14:05] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - baia shte hvraknat ...
[14:05] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - RAzBIva4A taka nqma da sa mnogo

[14:05] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - okie, 10x
[14:06] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - da hvarchat
[14:06] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ebah gi v nasranite bnc-a
[14:06] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - vseki si ima host da si go polzva
[14:06] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - izletiaha

[14:07] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - e vij ako im slojish gline na cialoto IP shte izletiat oshte 40

[14:08] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :clones
[14:10] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[14:10] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - razbit shto mi supportvash we ?
[14:10] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:10] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:10] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - toi sa razbi da supportva choveka:)
[14:10] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - shtoto e razbit
[14:10] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[14:10] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:10] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - xax
[14:11] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - tyi de tyi:)
[14:11] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - samo za tva

[14:11] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - razbit li si ?
[14:11] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - razbit si
[14:11] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - : )
[14:11] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - da da
[14:11] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :clones
[14:11] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - axax
[14:11] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - da ama ste na edin i syshti server:)
[14:11] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - milene tiya ot men gi widq

[14:11] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - BadAngel az sedq i gi debna...

[14:11] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqma nishto chicho
[14:12] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - smenqt ipta li
[14:12] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - BadAngel

[14:12] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - dai da gi biem po isp-ta togawa;p
[14:12] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@212.39.95.*
[14:12] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - ima pravila...
[14:12] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - neame pravo
[14:12] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Adash nidei
[14:12] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ok
[14:13] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - e deba
[14:13] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - kihnah i si naebah monitora;>
[14:13] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - moje da ima i drugi users s tva ip
[14:13] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - blqk:)
[14:13] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ok
[14:14] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[14:14] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae slushaite

[14:14] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae slushaite

[14:15] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - retro
[14:15] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:16] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - energyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[14:16] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:16] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - adash slushash lI ?
[14:18] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Adash veche da:)
[14:18] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ::)
[14:18] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - mazno retro
[14:18] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - rulz:)
[14:19] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:19] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - sq malko mixove pak
[14:19] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:21] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /who maniaka
[14:22] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - bahti... polovinta mreja e pylna s takia shits
[14:22] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[14:22] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - req
[14:23] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - imam li pravo!?
[14:23] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - shot nali sa bncz...
[14:23] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - davai
[14:23] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - vseki si ima host
[14:23] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - da se spasqva
[14:23] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - pishi samo /who #KYLATA
[14:23] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - po ident
[14:24] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - @Irc.Helper.from.help-irc.com :4 Ala Bala Nica
[14:24] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ehehehe
[14:25] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - a taka mai nimoji
[14:25] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - da sedqt...
[14:25] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - nema gi pipame togaz...
[14:26] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - vij eto taka
[14:26] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *[email protected].* :cloni. Milen req
[14:27] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /who #sweethell
[14:27] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - baaaaahti shto shits
[14:27] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - to winagi e bilo taka
[14:27] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - e milene izloji se;p
[14:27] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - huh...
[14:27] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - toz gline neshto...
[14:27] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - BadAngel kade sym sa izlojil?:)
[14:28] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - na mahmurliya mi prili4a

[14:28] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite za #Al-Bundy. Milen req
[14:29] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - spiram go che ste gurmi sq
[14:29] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - dovechera pak
[14:29] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - zavaliaaaaaaaaaaaa
[14:29] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - razbit slizai
[14:29] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - trugvam
[14:29] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - uaaaaaaaa to sigurno i v Pld sha doide... pa trea hodq do PU-to
[14:29] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - oks 4akam ta
[14:29] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - milen da shte doide

[14:30] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[14:30] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - koga sa vidim da piem bira s teb
[14:30] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - kogat kaish:)
[14:30] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - nii s rambo veche 2 pyti nemojahme:)) i to zarad mene:)
[14:31] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - spoko se razberem shte piem
[14:31] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - key key
[14:31] !RAzBIva4A([email protected])! OPERWALL - aide maham se 4e bene.... sia idva i begame ai bye
[14:31] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae:))))))))
[14:34] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite za #sexologa
[14:39] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[14:39] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - pffffff......
[14:41] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[14:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - one more
[15:02] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp
[15:03] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[15:14] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[15:14] !tfl([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :Dcc Exploiter unix req.
[15:16] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[15:26] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[15:31] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - bi li paste invite-a
[15:33] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - omg
[15:35] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - kaji we
[15:35] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - greshka e stanala
[15:39] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - lqllqlq
[15:39] !darknet([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]
[15:52] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[15:58] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-10-252-19.inetclub.evrocom.net - IP
[16:20] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[16:20] !irc.spnet.net! Remote CONNECT irc.UniBG.org 9000 from src`off
[16:21] !irc.techno-link.com! Remote CONNECT irc.UniBG.org 9000 from src`off
[16:23] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobar den :>
[16:23] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[16:24] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobur
[16:24] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqkoi da znae neshto za #ircdhelp
[16:25] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - az ne
[16:27] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - src`off![email protected] SETPASS [#mele]
[16:28] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[16:28] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER LOVER got the pride to strike a fool
[16:40] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] NOEXPIRE [TopMo3] ON
[16:42] !src`off([email protected])! OPERWALL - Archone be
[16:43] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - ifka :>
[16:44] !src`off([email protected])! OPERWALL - toz OS kato mu kaja da te kill shto mi sa prai na 4uk

[16:44] !src`off([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]
[16:44] !src`off([email protected])! OPERWALL - {}
[16:45] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - leleee
[16:45] !src`off([email protected])! OPERWALL - xaaxxaaxa {P}
[16:45] !src`off([email protected])! OPERWALL - ai che birata istina
[16:49] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - begi
[16:49] !HeBa3nuTaH([email protected])! OPERWALL - . .
[16:50] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - aaaaaaaaa
[16:50] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobyr den
[16:51] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[16:52] !Margeo([email protected])! OPERWALL - teogorke she kaja neshto ama dan se razsurdish

[16:53] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://www.weed.ru/temp/ugar.swf
[16:53] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - tq ne se surdi

[16:53] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - nedei go kazva togaa che dneska mi e krivo
[16:53] !HeBa3nuTaH([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh barash li;]
[16:53] !Margeo([email protected])! OPERWALL - ami na tui 'dobur den' adski se vruzva ' ... ti go zabodem'

[16:53] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - i sym izpadnala v dushefen menzis
[16:53] !HeBa3nuTaH([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahaha
[16:54] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - emo ti go zaboda

[16:54] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[16:54] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - slushaite
[16:54] !Margeo([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh ??
[16:55] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - az na nevuzpitaniq go kazah
[16:55] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - i ti li si emo

[16:55] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - i az sum emo :>
[16:55] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp
[16:55] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - teb te znam :>
[16:55] !Margeo([email protected])! OPERWALL - e to tova emo zvuchi kato eto

[16:55] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahahahahahahahaha
[16:55] !HeBa3nuTaH([email protected])! OPERWALL - Emo si e Emo
[16:55] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahahahaha
[16:55] !HeBa3nuTaH([email protected])! OPERWALL - nito ETO nito BEMO
[16:55] !HeBa3nuTaH([email protected])! OPERWALL - tochka.
[16:56] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - dneska na margi vsichko mu zvuchi kato neshto razlichno

[16:56] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - bemo haha
[16:56] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - imileeeeei :>>
[16:56] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - one more
[16:56] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi
[16:56] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[16:57] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - Az :> pederaz ;p
[16:57] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - tfa pak ne sa triggna pri mene
[16:57] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - putkata kvas
[16:57] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[16:57] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh da.. Ti pederas
[16:57] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[16:57] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - tva che mi lijesh gz ne znachi che sum pederast :> pederast si ti shoto ti go zabuchvam ;p
[16:57] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ai brb ot men.. vlizam vyv filma

[16:58] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahaha
[16:58] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - koi film :>
[16:58] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - koi na kogo lije we ?

[16:58] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako e pr0n kaji da idvam i az;)
[16:58] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - zabuchwash si gz:>
[16:58] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - na koito mu lijat gaza posle go ebat obiknovenno

[16:59] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - Emo, pred mucunata ti, da :> ae stiga prostotii
[17:02] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - mlykni trawers ;]
[17:03] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha
[17:03] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - stia we men
[17:07] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[17:08] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - lara croft :>
[17:08] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - film?
[17:08] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - dade
[17:08] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - oho :>
[17:08] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - lubimkata mi
[17:09] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - pitai men

[17:09] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - nikude ne mojah da namera pyrvata chast .. i sa si go drunah
[17:09] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - koe si drupna? tomb rider?
[17:09] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - Hell znachi da ne sa pritesnqame za tebe ako si samoten

[17:09] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - mdam
[17:09] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahahahaha
[17:09] !popo([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahha
[17:09] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne sum samoten :>
[17:09] !popo([email protected])! OPERWALL - imash si wallappers:>
[17:09] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - 2rata chast q gledah minalata godina :>
[17:10] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - wallappers nqmam :>
[17:10] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[17:10] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - tyi she kaish mn qsno
[17:11] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - iskam da si hodqqq

[17:11] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - e nqmam, daje neznam kfo e tfa :>
[17:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - Teogopka, idvai si :>
[17:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - prigotvil sum ti legloto
[17:11] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - am sled 2 3 dena sa pribiram
[17:12] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh kato e samoten gleda pics na David Haselhoff :>
[17:12] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahahahahahaha
[17:12] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
[17:12] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - proz pop
[17:12] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - ha ha
[17:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - |> kiril dzajkovski -04- brothel tango
[17:13] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Margeo!~[email protected] NOEXPIRE [SunDown] ON
[17:15] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - SS, Marius.-.Ti-ri-ri-ram :> pozdrav s lubimeca ti :> ei sega smuknah mp3kata ot hdd-to ti :>
[17:26] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - SoulStealer ciganche koga stana global be

[17:26] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahah
[17:26] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - moi globop e :>
[17:26] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - begay be, moy e

[17:41] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[17:47] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[17:47] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@212-104-108-43.cable.evrocom.net - IP
[17:48] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[17:50] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@212-104-108-43.cable.evrocom.net - IP
[17:52] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - 10q
[17:52] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - molq
[17:53] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - my pleasure:>
[18:01] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - daite edin svesten services support za eggdrop
[18:01] !VortigeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - shti dam
[18:01] !VortigeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - na vex
[18:01] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - 10q
[18:02] !VortigeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - toi nai-dobriat ..
[18:02] !VortigeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - cjeki da vidia ..
[18:02] !VortigeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - izchakai 10 minutes che se zvani ..
[18:04] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - aa nedei
[18:04] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - namerih si greshkata
[18:05] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://is-bg.com/~Backo/services.tcl
[18:05] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Eto wij i tozi, ako iskash ;-P
[18:05] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - problema beshe che bota postoqnno pada sus nickname enforcement
[18:05] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - ama se okaza che ne sum loadnal tcl-a
[18:05] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[18:06] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Ot slynceto shte da e ;-)
[18:07] !Az171fJf2([email protected])! OPERWALL - to samo duzhd bre:P
[18:11] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@matrix-preslav.ro-ni.net - IP
[18:11] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[18:13] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[18:13] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqkoi jiv bota djiq?
[18:13] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqkoi jiv botadjiq?
[18:13] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - ko te machi :>
[18:13] !ratbox([email protected])! OPERWALL - ela malko na q
[18:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ko she reche botadjiq :>
[18:14] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@spooky.sv.thezonebg.com - IP
[18:18] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[18:20] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@kypnuk.chatpat.net - IP
[18:21] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Shiva becomes a rider, who wielded a great hammer of war
[18:23] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[18:25] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER LOVER rode upon a pale horse, was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him
[18:28] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - kak beshe onq film we.. s edna akula tam.. ;] sinqta bezdna li?
[18:28] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - da
[18:29] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - deep blue sea?
[18:29] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - da
[18:29] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - oka
[18:29] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - imashe podoben porno film
[18:29] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - deep sea of love:>
[18:29] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahaha
[18:30] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh moje da kaje s tochnost imeto:>
[18:31] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha proz
[18:31] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - tixo idioti ;]
[18:32] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - mulchi gay
[18:32] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[18:49] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[18:49] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [abuse predstavia se za Semerdjiev] (4h)
[18:58] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[19:03] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[19:10] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Margeo!~[email protected] DROP [#kargona] (:owner request)
[19:11] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - rie
[19:13] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[19:13] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[19:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - edna udivitelna lipsva otpred..
[19:17] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@bgp970788bgs.epoint01.mi.comcast.net [flooders/spamers] (24h)
[19:17] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@ip68-96-254-54.lv.lv.cox.net [flooders/spamers] (24h)
[19:18] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@216-15-62-36.c3-0.nmex-ubr1.lnh-nmex.md.cable.rcn.com [abuse proxy]
[19:18] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@pcp08527570pcs.macmb101.mi.comcast.net [abuse proxy]
[19:18] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@pcp02417365pcs.jamsis01.sc.comcast.net [abuse proxy]
[19:19] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[19:19] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@12-218-122-252.client.mchsi.com [abuse proxy]
[19:20] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [abuse proxy]
[19:20] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@hrachooooooo [abuse proxy]
[19:20] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] UNGLINE *@hrachooooooo
[19:21] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@pcp08919435pcs.trnrsv01.nj.comcast.net [abuse proxy]
[19:22] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER didz was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other
[19:24] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[19:26] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - koito e dropil nick FTL da mu isuxnat tashacite dano
[19:26] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[19:27] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - a po-prilichno be
[19:27] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - parch0ne toa nick si beshe m0i..
[19:27] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - i to na baq time
[19:27] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - tumbalane ne mi e dreme ama po-prilichno ako obichash
[19:27] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - sq cqla wecher she si tursq logowe
[19:27] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - celuni me strastno;]
[19:29] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - Az dan` mina na levia trotoar ?:)
[19:29] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[19:31] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - ti shtom murmorish archone da ne si go dropil ti che da si pazish myd?ite;]
[19:31] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - vij tam iz logovete chii mada sh djvakash stia pisa tapotii tuk
[19:32] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - xuu we mordeth 2
[19:33] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[19:33] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne taka s loshoto ;Pp
[19:34] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - mordeth 2 lol
[19:34] !lame([email protected])! OPERWALL - xxaxaaxxaa
[19:34] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - ha ha ha
[19:34] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - 5ta krav
[19:34] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ivan 2

[19:38] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - aa.. izwinqwaite;] toi tos moq nick bil TL
[19:39] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahahahaahahahhhahahha
[19:39] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo si proz ;p
[19:39] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - po nqkoi pyt ;]
[19:41] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - daite wap site za free ringtones:)
[19:41] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - poli
[19:41] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://tactac.com mai beshe
[19:41] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - plofonic.ru
[19:41] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - tagtag be
[19:41] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - neshto takowa
[19:42] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - tictac haha
[19:42] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - az ot tam go zapomnix we straxliw;]
[19:42] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - samo s 2 melod.. a kalorii
[19:44] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[19:44] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - Boni - Bita karta.mp3
[19:44] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - ai poweche nqma ;]
[19:48] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ot toq site mnogo lesno moe si kradesh melodii be..

[19:54] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - Nqkoi ima li tazi pesen? Kolumbieca - Freestyle in X-Cartel Studios ??? locals globals users.. kazwaite.. trq mi originala na tas pesen
[19:55] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - operwall=mp3-bg.com
[19:55] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahha
[19:55] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahaha
[19:55] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - koi beshe toz kolumbieca?
[19:55] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - chalz ..po-kysno pak

[19:56] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - kajete we.. pochwa tui,... tik tik tik tak.. Duuum duuuuuum duuuuuuum duuuuuuuuumm.. i twa se powtarq;]
[19:56] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahahah
[19:56] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - e tya welika taz pesen shto se t`wa se poftarya ;-)

[19:56] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - tui kat onq det pita "KAK SE KAZVA ONAQ PESEN DETO POCHVA S BRUM BRUM"
[19:56] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - didz nali? I kam kraq det staa taka.. Tiim diiim.. tiiim diiim... duuuum duuuuum
[19:57] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - Az ti da ne si DJ bre
[19:57] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako ne si stani imash ebahti darbata
[19:58] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - pozdraw s Bamboleeeooooo, Bamboleiaaaa .. Gipsy Kings ;-)
[19:59] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - pozdrav Orhan Murad Novo_gaje.mp3
[19:59] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - novo gaje shte si nameria
[19:59] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - teb shte zareja
[19:59] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - teb shte zareja
[19:59] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahha
[20:00] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[20:00] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnogo shte sujaliavash, vishcko shte obeshtavash:>
[20:01] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - a sya de .. sorsi, ko praish na OW puk ti? da ne e zamraznal ada?
[20:01] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahaha
[20:01] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - prizlya mi .. (seriozno) ;-)
[20:01] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[20:01] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - she trebe da svikvash:>
[20:01] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://www.data.bg/f.php?fid=4240665 .. trq mi pesenta ot kadet sa wzeli melodiqta
[20:01] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - po-skoro shte zareja IRC-to ;_)
[20:02] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - g0 g0 :>
[20:02] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - az obache sum seriozna .. swi mi se na topka stomaha kat te prochetoh ... ne wyarwah , che ima tolkowa ludi da ti dadat O:line
[20:02] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - tva ne e sorsi be:)
[20:03] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - gospodi boje... hahahahhahahahaha:)
[20:03] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - mi koi e?
[20:04] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - raHka@* .. nishto ne mi gowori .. kak da e, dano si praw ;-)
[20:04] !SoulStealer([email protected])! OPERWALL - Mordeth razvali magiata, trqqshe q ostavish se drazni:>
[20:04] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - e to t`wa draznene infarkt shte mi dokara, aide nyama nujda ;>
[20:06] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - kaka did*

[20:06] !didz([email protected])! OPERWALL - azi ;-)
[20:11] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - iskate li malko erotika

[20:14] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqkoi det e s novata uj ne bugava versia na ircd-to ?
[20:14] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - az.
[20:15] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - bugcheto kogato slojish kline i ircd-to se rehashne izleze li pri teb ?
[20:15] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - nem
[20:15] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - pri men vsichko e bezpogreshno.
[20:15] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - izobshto imash li tcm koito da pere klins ?
[20:15] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@matrix-preslav.ro-ni.net - IP
[20:16] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] GLINE *@ [flooders] (1d)
[20:17] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] FORBID Modify [flooder (<Modify> eto gi i moite)]
[20:18] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - VortigeN![email protected] DROP [misheto_f] (Otkradnat nick)
[20:19] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] DROP [#melmak] (dlh req)
[20:21] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[20:22] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[20:23] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - archon, est.
[20:23] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - i to 3:)
[20:35] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[20:37] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobur vecher
[20:37] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[20:37] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobar ve4er i ot mene
[20:37] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - mobar decher i ot vene
[20:37] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - vodar be
[20:39] !irc.lirex.com! Remote CONNECT irc.cellsys.net 9000 from DITRIX
[20:39] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne go butai ...
[20:39] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - hmz
[20:39] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - chakai
[20:39] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - kakvo mu ima ?
[20:39] !mordie([email protected])! OPERWALL - chakaii
[20:40] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - chakam be
[20:40] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] GLINE *@Gangstera.net-surf.net [nagul invite] (1w)
[20:40] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] GLINE *@vlan-8-203.comnet.bg [flooders] (1d)
[20:40] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - [20:38] <malkata^kaka> ot kade da namerq xxl filmi v ftp
[20:40] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - [20:39] <malkata^kaka> osven v filmovia katalog tam
[20:40] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - [20:39] <Hell> malkata^kaka, malko li sa ti v kataloga?
[20:40] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - [20:40] <malkata^kaka> na bashta mi mu trqat be hora
[20:40] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - [20:40] <malkata^kaka> i she ma nakaji ako ne mu namerq
[20:40] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[20:41] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] FORBID #lydi [clone flooders] (2d)
[20:41] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - hell kakvo e to ?
[20:41] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - who's ur daddy
[20:41] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - izpulnitelna dushterq:>
[20:41] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - aaa qsno da
[20:49] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - aide deca masata e slojena .... i leka no6t ...

[20:49] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - jenata v legloto li e? :>
[20:49] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - mordeth\
[20:50] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - pekanqga, rubash li chushkata?

[20:50] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - Hell e ti nai-dobre znaesh, che daje i kude q rugam

[20:50] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - skivai topica i shte razberesh
[20:50] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[20:50] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - rubash, znam az :>
[20:50] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>>
[20:50] !irc.spnet.net! Remote CONNECT irc.UniBG.org 9000 from Pechenia
[20:51] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - lol:)
[20:51] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - Joe Cocker - Unchain My Heart.mp3
[20:51] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - Mordeth
[20:57] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] GLINE *@vlan-2-213.comnet.bg [kafa ot tiq flooders]
[20:57] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - tui e pppoe
[20:57] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - sia ste vlezi ot drug host
[20:58] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - i kwo ? da stoq i da go gledam li ?
[20:58] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - dokat ne mu pisne da reconnectwa i na men nqma mi pisne go twarq
[20:59] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL -

[20:59] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - s perm glines

[20:59] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - i az sam na mnenie che trea da sa nakazvat i to jestoko floderite
[21:00] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako ta floodna s vodka shi sa uplakvash li?

[21:00] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - moji da vavedem iziskvane za idend pri pppov s ident imeto na accaunta
[21:01] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo greshki dopuskam ama vie me rzbrahte
[21:01] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - tc
[21:01] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - ima dve kaki sreshtu men i nemoga da mislia
[21:01] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - povtori bez greshkite

[21:02] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - are ela da pishesh ti bez greshki tuka a
[21:02] !lesb([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako pishesh bez greshki shta cherpi aciala vecher
[21:02] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - e ti ot takova cherpene pishesh s greshki :>
[21:02] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ai stiga s glupostite veche
[21:04] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[21:05] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - pechen losh :>
[21:05] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - ni na stroqvai kat novobranki fe

[21:05] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - da ne si imal kofti kazarma?

[21:06] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[21:06] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahah pitai ozy kva kazarma sum imal

[21:11] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[21:11] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@212-104-108-43.cable.evrocom.net - IP
[21:14] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[21:14] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[21:16] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@matrix-preslav.ro-ni.net - IP
[21:17] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - badangel 2;]
[21:17] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ha ha ha ha
[21:18] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - hihihi
[21:18] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - naprawete mi fenklub s pi4ki

[21:18] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - http://forums.data.bg/viewtopic.php?t=167125
[21:18] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - mi sloji mu gline forbidni go stiga go killva
[21:19] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[21:19] !SpooK([email protected])! OPERWALL - angel s pichowe shti napraim fen klub =]
[21:19] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - toi s tea mass kills nai-mnogo glinera da mu stane priatel

[21:20] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - zaradi teb li

[21:20] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ivo spri sa be
[21:21] !SpooK([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahahah
[21:21] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqa sa predavash ivo

[21:21] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[21:23] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - abe kak da pratq notice do all potrebiteli na nqkoe isp primerno
[21:23] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne na serwer, a po hostmask
[21:24] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - izobshto wyzmozhno li e
[21:24] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - po princip - da
[21:24] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - ama treat mnoo nervi

[21:24] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - t.e. ?
[21:24] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - who hostmask .. ostanaloto go znaesh :>
[21:25] !Hell([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako sa mnogo, trqa da imash golqm buffer :>
[21:27] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@matrix-preslav.ro-ni.net - IP
[21:31] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[21:32] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - kajete mi pesenta ot koqto e wzeta melodiqta na twa.. http://free.data.bg/vladboy/Music/COLUM ... 0Diss).mp3
[21:32] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@matrix-preslav.ro-ni.net - IP
[21:37] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqkoi ima li sub za Roomies ?
[21:44] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[21:56] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[21:56] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@matrix-preslav.ro-ni.net - IP
[22:00] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - ot cqlata rauta.. pesenta e taz.. timbaland and magoo feat. missy elliot - cop that shit.mp3 :]
[22:03] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@212-104-108-43.cable.evrocom.net - IP
[22:08] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - Nqkoi s kazaa ?
[22:08] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - daite 1 cc da charge $15
[22:09] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - barai we;]
[22:09] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - dai we zmei
[22:10] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh napipaj go WE
[22:10] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - dai cc-to ili she ti vzema laptopa
[22:11] !Az([email protected])! OPERWALL - dawam 2lewa za instrumentala na tas pesen ;]
[22:11] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - shta pusna na ivo ! (ne e 4ukal ot dosta wreme)
[22:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha
[22:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - da vurvi v planeta ;p
[22:11] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - ivo e samo muskuli i sperma nali
[22:11] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Hurto got the pride to strike a fool
[22:11] !Hurto([email protected])! LOCOPS - dobur ve4er
[22:11] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - toj werno poskoro wmesto w planet hodi w planeta ;b
[22:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - pa i ne vqrvam da ne e chukal dosta vreme shom ti si tam ;p
[22:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - au, ujas :>
[22:12] !irc.tu-varna.edu! Received SQUIT lflr.tu-varna.acad.bg from seen-datacollector.unibg.org[[email protected]] (SIGTERM)
[22:12] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] GLINE *@ip68-8-146-187.sd.sd.cox.net []
[22:12] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - shto schupi seen-a we rodi
[22:12] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] GLINE *@ []
[22:12] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] NOEXPIRE [H0LY] ON
[22:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - daite 1 tupo mobile icq dea
[22:13] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha
[22:13] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - ti puk wse dai znaesh

[22:13] !VortigeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - kvo sha rechat praznite reasons [] ?
[22:14] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - BA, men cc-to za tva mi trea
[22:14] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - dwe buzki ;]
[22:14] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - hihi
[22:14] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - ya, emo kakuv e toq nick be?
[22:14] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - oshte li sushtestvuva:)
[22:15] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ditrix, kvi sa tea .sis files
[22:15] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] OMODE #istanbul +o rhodie
[22:15] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh kyde tva be ?
[22:15] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - mordeth ? da :> shto
[22:15] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - nekvi mobile files
[22:15] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - za nokia sa , trqbva da imash symbian
[22:15] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - boza
[22:15] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - tc ne e boza ich daje
[22:15] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - emo, na malko vreme e ... trqbva da e na godini:)
[22:16] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - de da q izkaram taa symbian..
[22:16] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - mordeth spoko:) wsichko shte e nawednuj..
[22:16] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh em :> ztui ti kazvam za nokia ;> trqbva da imash smartphone ;>
[22:16] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - makar che az mrazq nokia
[22:16] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[22:16] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - VortigeN![email protected] NOEXPIRE [VuLTRoN] ON
[22:16] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - tuka pak stana ludnica malko;]
[22:17] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - e smartphone mnogo qsno ama..

[22:17] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - nea si prodavam telefona i da vzimam nokia zaradi 1 icq :>
[22:17] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [spambots] (48h)
[22:18] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh samo taka :>
[22:18] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - imal sym mobile irc na edin samsung ;> no ne potrygna nqshto ;> java
[22:18] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne mi trea irc, icq iskam :>
[22:19] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - to syshtata rabota ;>
[22:19] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - pishi "mobile icq" be ;>
[22:20] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - VortigeN![email protected] GLINE *@155.132.Globcom.Net [3 times ahead [22:19] Filed Oper from: D33P-1N-L0V3([email protected]) ->] (1h) (1 matches)
[22:20] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - kolko neshta sum pisal ko znaesh
[22:20] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ditrix i kum drugite shto ne napishite vsichki #operwall i da si produljite razgovora tam ?
[22:20] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - pechen tuka si prav :>
[22:21] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh ela na private ma :>
[22:24] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[22:26] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[22:26] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[22:28] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-10-252-19.inetclub.evrocom.net - IP
[22:31] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - rhodie?
[22:31] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - mhm
[22:32] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - prawilno go e kazal ainshtain
[22:32] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - pri sledvashtoto takova OBESHTAVAM slagam gline
[22:32] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - iha
[22:32] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hello
[22:32] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi za flooda
[22:32] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - pri sledvashtoto takova OBESHTAVAM slagam gline
[22:32] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - che da mi bqxte supnali we
[22:32] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - pechen widqxme weche
[22:32] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - da
[22:32] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - Me.name *waves* at Cannibal
[22:32] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - dai
[22:32] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - shte supp
[22:32] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - kade e
[22:32] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - ?
[22:32] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - be noo floodite she padna s excess flood

[22:32] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - rho

[22:33] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - /.quote gline *@ :xploit;] (requested by KickSoft)
[22:33] !KickSoft([email protected])! OPERWALL - *
[22:33] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - oste 1
[22:33] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - vijdash li che ne si slagal
[22:33] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - of
[22:33] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - q pak
[22:34] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :xploit;] (requested by KickSoft)
[22:34] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - VortigeN![email protected] SETPASS [#utaiki]
[22:35] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - mmda..
[22:42] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[22:45] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[22:45] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] KILLHOST *@server.netcom-karnobat.net [shte doida drugia put]
[22:46] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@ - IP
[22:50] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@Maliovica.networx-bg.com [razprostranqvash virusi.] (2h)
[22:51] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] SECURE #bebals
[22:57] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] NOEXPIRE [BeBo^^] ON
[22:57] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] NOEXPIRE [Mr^aWaY] ON
[22:57] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] NOEXPIRE [JT] ON
[22:57] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] NOEXPIRE [JT] OFF
[22:57] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] NOEXPIRE [JT] ON
[23:05] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[23:22] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@cable-81-161-218-18.mnet.bg
[23:22] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - finvite za #mist
[23:23] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - crazy^dog is [email protected]
[23:24] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi, ma si beshe za forbid.. etc... nishto i taka biwa;p
[23:25] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - finvite kato founder invite li da go razbiram ?

[23:25] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - yup

[23:25] !CvetiRulz([email protected])! OPERWALL - moje da se definira i kato FakeInvite

[23:25] !CvetiRulz([email protected])! OPERWALL - douto4nqvai se

[23:25] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] FORBID #mist [founder invite requested badangel] (20d)
[23:26] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - praw e iwo, dobre;)
[23:26] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - au toq reason za kill ot koga nesum go vijdal
[23:26] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Chakai, che to mai e down site'a otnowo..
[23:27] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - A, ok si e :>
[23:27] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Ami ..
[23:27] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - [23:24:31] <Ty|_|_u`sad> ZA DA IMASH OP VUV VSICKI KANALI POLZVAI: //write ops ....
[23:27] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - [23:24:32] <Todesangst> ZA DA IMASH OP VUV VSICKI KANALI POLZVAI: //write ops
[23:27] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Niakoi napisal tez virii na bulgarski daje
[23:28] !rhodie([email protected])! OPERWALL - q mi paste cqloto ako obi4ash na priv
[23:28] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [razprostranqvash virusi.] (12h)
[23:28] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] GLINE *[email protected] [virii] (1h)
[23:30] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[23:38] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[23:38] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[23:39] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - rhodie![email protected] FORBID #inat [virii cove]
[23:41] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] GLINE *@ip-28-139.interbild.net [founder invite !!!] (12h) (4 matches)
[23:41] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] FORBID #H3LL [founder invite]
[23:47] !popo([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[23:47] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@pppoe-178-133.MAN.Istar-Link.Com - IP
[23:47] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - founder invite za #ss-eba4i
[23:48] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - BA po tfoeto prawilo sled poprawkata kill'a za invite ne ostawashe li zabranen ?;-)
[23:48] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] FORBID ed_lover [abuser] (1d)
[23:48] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - abuser ?
[23:49] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - mordeth ?
[23:49] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Mordeth!~[email protected] UNFORBID [ed_lover]
[23:50] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi
[23:50] !Mordeth([email protected])! OPERWALL - molq?
[23:53] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - edin dava 50 leva na izplashtane za okolo 2 meseca za o line ...:>
[23:53] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - malko e
[23:53] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[23:53] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - 50 euro ako dava moje :>:
[23:53] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - i za mnogo dylyg period nali :>
[23:53] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - na mesec;)
[23:53] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako ima nqkoi admin da forbidne nick UniBGService
[23:54] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - <DJ_IVO> DITRIX global li stavam za 50 leva ili local ?
[23:54] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - ...
[23:54] !CvetiRulz([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]
[23:54] !CvetiRulz([email protected])! OPERWALL - xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
[23:54] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - CvetiRulz![email protected] FORBID UniBGService [Service ?]
[23:55] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - ivo dava gi na izplashtane obache ;> kofti oferta haahah.Iska da me zavyrti ako ne mu haresa liniqta ;>>
[23:55] !Kypnuk([email protected])! LOCOPS - Open Proxy found *@217-9-228-240.pleven.cablebg.net - IP
[23:55] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - locop :>
[23:56] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh ela malko na private ;>
[23:56] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha sheguvam se be
[23:56] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne be ela ti kazvam :>
[23:57] !CvetiRulz([email protected])! OPERWALL - csaxaaxxaxaxaxaxaxa
[23:57] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[23:57] !CvetiRulz([email protected])! OPERWALL - moje da te oferitrat
[23:58] !dlh[zaet]([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahaha
[23:58] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - rhodie obeshtah na choveka da stane devel na misc services taka che zimai 25 leva i i po jivo po zdravo ;>