Re: UniBG / OperWall Logs 2004
Публикувано на: 10 Мар 2022 12:36
[00:01] !JaSeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - dlh here!?
[00:01] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - da
[00:11] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - aloha
[00:11] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - mama:)
[00:11] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - {}
[00:12] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - Giorgos Mazonakis - 01 - To gucci forema.mp3
[00:12] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - pozdraf
[00:14] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - Smujji - K.O. (remix)(The Best Radio Edit 2004).mp3
[00:14] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - wryshtame
[00:15] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - |> Dr Kucho! - Disc Doctor (Tribal Aventure)
[00:19] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - brb
[00:20] !HekagbpHuK([email protected])! OPERWALL - DJ Tiesto - in my memory
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - [00:24:51] <DeRiL> za tva mraza oper4eta 6ot predi sa bili podlizurkovci a sega ve4e sa naduvki
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - [00:24:55] <DeRiL> i kvo kat ima liniq
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - [00:25:09] <DeRiL> moe da ma barne ama... za _)_
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - mrazqt wi :>
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - AHha ha
[00:28] !JaSeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - em kato nqma koi drug da go barne tam i doshul v irc da tursi operi da go barat
[00:29] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - da doi da go barna ot zade :>
[00:29] !JaSeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - takuf analen straj li si mi kaji
[00:30] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - analno banalo :> taka se jivei
[00:31] !lamecrew([email protected])! OPERWALL - wajen e jesta :>
[00:32] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - da;>
[00:46] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobar ve4er
[00:47] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - q zefo:) privet;)
[00:48] !PacMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - q lamzo
[00:49] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - q Ivan:) {}
[00:49] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - PacMan zatyjih sa za tebe ue baby:)
[00:53] !PacMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - hehe
[00:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk hvana teslata
[01:30] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka deca ..
[01:30] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka tatko:)
[01:46] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - che toi ne ti e tatko
[01:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk has left half the brain behind, back in that crazy place
[02:09] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - kajete mi postcode za *
[02:09] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :spamshit
[02:14] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - ha .. malko pozakusnqh
[02:37] !iTzKaTa([email protected])! OPERWALL - kvo gleda6 matzka , q prepora4ai ne6to
[02:38] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - adi az awayche:)
[02:39] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] SETPASS [#oriahovo]
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - nai setne
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - horata se umoriha da ti supportwat cql den
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - archone , dobro utro :>
[02:40] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro
[02:42] !ecko([email protected])! LOCOPS - ehhhhhhhh kolega
[02:42] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] NOEXPIRE [XaKyHa^MaTaTa] ON
[02:43] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[02:49] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka pi4ae
[02:49] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae
[02:50] !dlh[et`teh`muuv([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka :>
[02:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk is Now Lurking In The Dark, Watching You
[03:04] !cx([email protected])! LOCOPS - ecko, mnogo zle sa kolegite :>
[03:04] !ecko([email protected])! LOCOPS - zashto smqtash taka?
[03:05] !cx([email protected])! LOCOPS - daje ne chetat kato gi narejdam na locops ..
[03:07] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[03:07] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - deba boklucite ima tam
[03:07] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - nego li oprawiha weche ?
[03:07] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - w kakyw smisyl bokluci ?
[03:09] !cx([email protected])! LOCOPS - am.. toi ne te vijda :>
[03:09] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - edin admin nqmat kato horata, da si nastroqt pravilno mashinata...
[03:09] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - to si lichi;)
[03:09] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro utro
[03:57] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :dcc exploiter
[03:57] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - spri sa we :>
[03:57] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - shto?:)
[03:58] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - shoto taka mi haresva:)
[03:58] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - $ ve4er
[03:58] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - Pranky see ya dude:) {}
[03:58] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - Mama kvo ti stana ue:)
[03:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk stands up above the wreckage of your mortal world
[03:59] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - ninam sine :>
[03:59] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - mama dneska e navlqzla v nqkuf sobstven film .. i vyobshte ne znai za kvo staa vypros ;P
[03:59] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - xeaxeaaxexeax:)
[03:59] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - male kat kaza film
[03:59] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - do sq gleah Garfield.... strahoten e:)
[04:01] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - az kazvam $ vecher, a ne leka vecher, t.e idvam, ne zaminavam
[04:01] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - az .. pak she gledam film
[04:01] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - LEKA
[04:05] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :dcc expl
[04:10] !OOP([email protected])! OPERWALL - q novo virush4e plyzva
[04:14] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - koe to ?
[04:41] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - W Klasnata staq na iwancho doshla nowa uchitelka. Imali urok za rasteniqta i uchitelkata narisuwala krastawica na dyskata:
[04:41] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Iwancho izbuhnal w smqh s cqlo gyrlo:
[04:41] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - - q , gospojata narisuwa kur!
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Celiqt klas izbuhnal w kikot. Wyzmutena uchitelkata iztichala da se oplache na direktorkata.
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Direktoryt wlqzal razqren w staqna:
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - - Pak li wie , be huligani , wsichkite shte wi izkliucha! I koe gowedo narisuwa toq kur na dyrkata!
[04:42] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - sha umra ne ne ne:)
[04:42] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqma takyw wic , a ~
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite za #internacional. lepri sayz
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Founder ne ne ne:)
[04:42] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ))
[04:43] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - do tuka wsichki otwryshtat samo s “hahahhhaaahahahahahahahahahaha” x10`itina pyt
[04:43] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - sup-ni:)
[04:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - op sa
[04:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - saaaaaaaa
[04:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - saaaaaa
[04:49] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * : hi ela v #biri... am ko ne iskam?
[04:50] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp-che;)
[04:55] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /who *
[04:55] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - ma mrejata ni e nai-golqmata prosto
[04:56] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - 9-ta v sveta li kvo beshe:)
[04:56] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - iskate li da q napraim 1-va;) utre sha vkaram milqrdi takiva izmisleni shitz;)
[04:56] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne che sym podstrikatel , no nemojesh
[04:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - exaexeaxxeaxeaaxeeax:)
[04:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :ai da vi eba maikata i na vas
[04:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - az sym lud...
[04:58] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - eeaxaexaxeaxe:)
[04:58] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - nema koi da supp-ne 3-ti
[04:58] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - az ne si znam parolite za backup linite , sorry
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - pa i kato znam... ako toq host ima gline sha zasegna pak nqkvi ikonomicheski interesi sigurno
[04:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk stands up above the wreckage of your mortal world
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - i pak sha ma izqdat.... sigurno i za nakazanie sha ma predloja
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - t
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - eh ehh... shto ne sym malko po-visshestoqsht da vidish ti...
[05:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[06:57] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] SETPASS [sluncho]
[06:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk becomes a rider, who wielded a great hammer of war
[07:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk creeping from hell
[08:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk takes powers from the ancient ones who reigned
[09:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk has been running through the woods, reached the cemetery gates, climbed the gate between life and death and walked upon the moolit graves
[10:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[11:05] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro utro
[11:05] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[11:05] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - suport
[11:06] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - tnx
[11:06] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[11:08] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tafe SAPORT
[11:11] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - takmo chetiah poslednite 3 maila
[11:11] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo fun
[11:11] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - men pyk ne sa ma abonirali za mail listata
[11:11] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - nenam sho
[11:11] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - shtoto non stop te povishavat i razjalvat
[11:12] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tafe da ti sa namira zahranvane 300 W?
[11:12] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - q ela na /q
[11:14] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - saport
[11:15] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - oshte edin pls
[11:18] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@* : pasive spamer
[11:18] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[11:19] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - adi bre bat basko
[11:20] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - misi
[11:48] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [dcc attack] (2h)
[11:48] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE * [dcc attack] (2h)
[11:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk hvana teslata
[12:09] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin online
[12:21] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - Blank & Jones feat. Elles - Mind of the Wonderful
[12:26] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp pls
[12:30] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Supp..
[12:41] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobur den
[12:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk creeping from hell
[13:40] !ObieOne([email protected])! OPERWALL - brutru
[13:40] !fer([email protected])! OPERWALL - zdr
[13:40] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - zdr
[13:45] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Nasko is Now Lurking In The Dark, Watching You
[13:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other
[14:41] !iTzKaTa([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid #teen-sofia Founder invite iTzKaTa proveril
[14:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk has left half the brain behind, back in that crazy place
[15:05] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - get on the floor..
[15:22] !s0urce([email protected])! OPERWALL - dmem
[15:33] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - vchera pomolih tova *@* da se sloji v glinera
[15:34] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - pls sega ako ima admin!
[15:47] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - hi & bye
[15:48] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[15:59] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[15:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Closes In As The Last Candle Burns OuT
[16:11] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hello
[16:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - HELO
[16:16] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp pls
[16:17] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - UniBG Wap-IRC Getaway -//- èçïðàòåíà îò
[16:17] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - koi q e pisal taq novina?:)
[16:18] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - Tisho
[16:18] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - am kajete mu che se pishe gateway ne getaway :>
[16:18] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahah
[16:18] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - chekaj she fix
[16:18] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[16:19] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - moje da e getaway be
[16:19] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - moje i runaway da e
[16:19] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha
[16:19] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahaha..
[16:20] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - fix e ve4e
[16:20] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne e be
[16:20] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - UniBG Wap-IRC Getaway
[16:20] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - skii indexa
[16:20] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - Íîâèíèòå áÿõà ïðîìåíåíè. Ìîæåòå äà ïðîâåðèòå äàëè ïðîìåíèòå ñà âèäèìè íà ñòðàíèöàòà
[16:21] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - em..
[16:22] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - stana;)
[16:22] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - sega e fix
[16:24] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - Nonetheless, even today, Chalga lives on, probably as Bulgaria’s most listened to form of music, and the mainstay of many a party and disco. And the signs are that that is not likely to change for a long time to come.
[16:27] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - he
[16:36] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobar den
[16:36] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobur den
[16:37] !fer([email protected])! OPERWALL - [16:36] <dsuperrr> HI izleze noviq The Galaxy script.MOje6 da pra6ta6 SMS-i do Mtel i Globul.V neq ima snimki na vsi4ki pevici na payner i pi6e vsi4ki za tqh.
[16:37] !fer([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ : spam bot
[16:39] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefir.. zdrasti
[16:46] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] SECURE #ligliovci
[16:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk hvana teslata
[17:02] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin online
[17:04] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - za
[17:04] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:06] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefir moje li za malko na priv ?
[17:09] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] SETPASS [Vratakieva]
[17:09] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - pechenia , wze li otnoshenie po wyprosa ?
[17:12] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - none?:)
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - misleh unknoewn , no beshe mnogo dylgo
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - unknown*
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - e kak unknown be
[17:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - An old Billy Goat was scratching a young willow hard!
[17:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - star kozel mlada vurba liushteshe...
[17:17] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] SETPASS [#club-arrogance]
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req. snifu
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - support
[17:44] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - niama
[17:44] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - auu che losh
[17:44] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - che e i founder invite za #WorlD`oF`IrC
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako ima nqkoi admin mje da go forbidne
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 17:44:32 ! * Quits: @RnB_GaMeN` ([email protected]) (Connection closed)
[17:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 17:44:36 ! -CS- Successor: RnB_GaMeN`
[17:45] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:45] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - qba
[17:46] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - huh
[17:47] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahah
[17:47] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - tfa trea go slojim kato primer na web-a "KAKVA NE TRQBVA DA BYDE VASHATA PAroLA"
[17:48] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - bla typo ot neina strana
[17:48] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - mdam
[17:49] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - mda..
[17:49] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahah
[17:49] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - toa trea da go prashta Global pri connect
[17:50] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - pf sq ko .. trqq si dropq nicka tai li stana ;Pp
[17:50] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - Cannibal !!!!
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - i tui kamache e ot burgas
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ot Bonn e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - abe nz ;p she pocherpi sq
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - ama e burgazliika
[17:51] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ai do
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - na men li go kazvash
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - idvala e v moite klubovi
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - naish kva tatra e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tq sa razhubavi be
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - da e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:52] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - 90 kilogramova beshe pone
[17:52] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - kolko shte se e razhubavila
[17:52] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tafe predi 3 godini moje i tolkoz da ebila;)
[17:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[18:06] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] NOEXPIRE [Fly`Girl] ON
[18:07] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - zafo
[18:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - btw
[18:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - founder invite za #WorlD`oF`IrC
[18:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefir
[18:12] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - a kade ..
[18:13] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] FORBID #WorlD`oF`IrC [founder invite] (14d)
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ten kiu piipyl
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[18:14] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] FORBID MasteR_oF_HaKeR [founder invite] (14d)
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - i successora syshto inviteshe
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - po-tochno toi inviteshe za drugiq ne znam
[18:15] !freeuser([email protected])! OPERWALL - 28d ;P
[18:15] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - rnb nehstosi
[18:16] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - svyr6i .. ve4e ..
[18:41] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin ima li za set na NoExpire na nick sweet`4e
[18:41] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - plz
[18:42] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - lame![email protected] NOEXPIRE [sweet`4e] ON
[18:43] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - mn. blagodarq
[18:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[19:20] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] UNGLINE *
[19:20] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] UNGLINE *
[19:24] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] NOEXPIRE [SexInstructoR] ON
[19:24] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] NOEXPIRE [Xtaz_devil] ON
[19:38] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp plz
[19:51] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae deca koi addva v admins@
[19:52] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - tatkowcite
[19:52] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - kuma lisa
[19:52] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - maitapa nstrana
[19:52] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobre de..bratowched i
[19:52] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - nastoqvam da vidq koi sa addnati tam
[19:52] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefo..wseki admin:)
[19:53] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - cool , samo 4e iskam da q vidq
[19:53] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - v sf sam utre shte e
[19:53] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - ps
[19:53] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - vane , ti li si na admins be
[19:53] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - kakfo ?
[19:53] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefo..aa...ti za adminskata lista li ue lol ):) pomislih za kanala..iawno oshte ne sum buden
[19:54] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - da e
[19:54] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - @
[19:54] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - admins e na lirex i tam koito ima dostap toi rulira
[19:54] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - to za taq lista samo sestra mi deto ne e abonirata az ne q cheta a ima edna kamara useri deto q chetat
[19:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[20:04] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] GLINE *[email protected] [invite za druga mreja]
[20:04] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ìàññ èíâàéò çà #saints
[20:04] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 20:03:08 ! -Uredba-:#bourgas- vlezte v #Saints #Saints #Saints #Saints plssss
[20:04] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - i taka mnogo pati
[20:04] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] FORBID sexsi_pi4 [invite za druga mreja !] (20d)
[20:06] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - da vlezem da vlezem da vlezem
[20:07] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo invitqt tam be
[20:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - Archon shte forbidnesh li #Saints che pravqt flood-invite
[20:09] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - archone da udari gi
[20:10] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - founder invite?
[20:10] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne
[20:10] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid gi za 3 days
[20:11] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] SETPASS [#speed_]
[20:12] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - sorrka ama seki moje da invite za nqkade si
[20:12] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - dai inviterite za gline a teq gi ostai
[20:12] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - samo deto tozi vseki beshe v kanala
[20:12] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - i imashe bots v koito ne beshe na dk
[20:12] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - koeto az priemam za zatvarqne na ochite
[20:13] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - daite hostovete za gline
[20:13] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - Uredba- was [email protected] * 1 shte ubiq drugite shte izbqgat
[20:13] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - zapovqdai
[20:14] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] GLINE * [nagal invie s flood] (6h)
[20:14] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi
[20:19] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER |dianna| took the coffin
[20:20] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :spam
[20:25] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER LOVER Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[20:37] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid #gsm-boikot plz
[20:37] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - da da da:)
[20:37] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - az moe li da ida da piq woda:>
[20:39] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[20:40] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - 10x
[20:40] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - np
[20:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin?
[20:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk becomes a rider, who wielded a great hammer of war
[21:02] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite za #dm_x
[21:06] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Manch0![email protected] GLINE *@ [spam]
[21:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 21:03:47 ! <golemi_bombi> ako si gotin/a vlez v #on-air
[21:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - support
[21:09] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Manch0![email protected] FORBID #gsm-boikot [Spam/Abuse/Invite,sprete se za malko, ima si drugi nachini za glasnost !!!] (14d)
[21:10] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - i tez ot #on-air plachat za invite
[21:10] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - uf
[21:10] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid de
[21:10] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[21:11] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] DROP [sMaSh_InG] (owner req. lamerman proveril)
[21:15] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] DROP [#punk] (DITRIX req.)
[21:37] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[21:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 21:44:03 ! <SpiKeX> Hey Zdravei!Aide da doide6 v #Sn1pers pls;]Ako ti haresa si go sloji na AutoJoin pls:]4ao i priqten 4at SpiKeX inviter
[21:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 21:44:15 ! <^_SeXy_^> Vlez v #irc-zone pls sladuri.V kanala na lubovta ima i igra {P}{P}{P} !!!
[21:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - support
[21:45] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[21:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req.snifu
[21:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite req.snifu
[21:53] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] NOEXPIRE [HuLyGaN] ON
[21:54] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - za * nqkoi shte request-ne li oshte
[21:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk comes from the east, holding a spike club
[22:06] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] GLINE * [exploiter] (1 matches)
[22:07] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp pls burzo
[22:07] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[22:08] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [flood] (3h) (74 matches)
[22:08] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi:)
[22:14] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] DROP [piranq] (oper req)
[22:19] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[22:19] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[22:35] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT
[22:36] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - winagi;p
[22:37] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - are oshte 1 da go tringem mnoo invitqt tiq
[22:38] !bIsO([email protected])! OPERWALL - koe che sq vlizam
[22:38] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite req.snifu
[22:38] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - am .. az uj go supportnah .. ma ne se triggva
[22:38] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] GLINE * [mass invite] (2h) (0 matches)
[22:38] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 10x
[22:39] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - biso ela da te .. na private
[22:42] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req. snifu
[22:43] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req. snifu
[22:48] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - nahtepa ela na /q
[22:49] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahaha
[22:49] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - kaji i imam wazhno info
[22:50] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - bad .. ne che sum podstrikatelka .. ma mnogo ti sa smeishe
[22:51] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - what am i supposed to do?
[22:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT
[22:51] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - boi
[22:51] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - na SARWARA :Pp
[22:52] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - nali
[22:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - BADANGELE
[22:53] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - bai angele
[22:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - nali
[22:53] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - da
[22:53] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - moment
[22:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT be kak kwo:
[22:54] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - saport za moito ve ;p
[22:54] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - support se pishe bre, dtevgz:)
[22:54] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne e wErno
[22:54] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - tvoito go supportnah
[22:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT SA PIshe ne lujete be
[22:54] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - baka
[22:56] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[22:56] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[22:57] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - margeo pls i *@
[22:58] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - a to trignalo
[22:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[23:01] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin online ?
[23:06] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - [23:06:27] <SanServ> chanflood: CS joining #use is potential flooder
[23:06] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahahahahah
[23:08] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqma po-golqm flooder ot cs
[23:08] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - s NS sa konkurenciq
[23:10] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - re
[23:10] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - wb
[23:12] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - [23:12:36] <Taz_devil> nqkoi admin bili slojil +i na #sopot che pravqt tui kat gledam fake invite za toz kanal?
[23:14] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - Taz_devil ne e fake invite ami si e bash founder invite
[23:52] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SA POR (t)
[23:53] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - snifu /gline * :server flood
[23:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - òåäè ñÀ ÏÎÐ òíè ìè äå
[23:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ten kiu
[23:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[23:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - adi pak
[23:55] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - x-prank ti si baby:P
[23:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Closes In As The Last Candle Burns OuT
[00:01] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - da
[00:11] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - aloha
[00:11] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - mama:)
[00:11] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - {}
[00:12] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - Giorgos Mazonakis - 01 - To gucci forema.mp3
[00:12] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - pozdraf
[00:14] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - Smujji - K.O. (remix)(The Best Radio Edit 2004).mp3
[00:14] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - wryshtame
[00:15] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - |> Dr Kucho! - Disc Doctor (Tribal Aventure)
[00:19] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - brb
[00:20] !HekagbpHuK([email protected])! OPERWALL - DJ Tiesto - in my memory
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - [00:24:51] <DeRiL> za tva mraza oper4eta 6ot predi sa bili podlizurkovci a sega ve4e sa naduvki
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - [00:24:55] <DeRiL> i kvo kat ima liniq
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - [00:25:09] <DeRiL> moe da ma barne ama... za _)_
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - mrazqt wi :>
[00:24] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - AHha ha
[00:28] !JaSeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - em kato nqma koi drug da go barne tam i doshul v irc da tursi operi da go barat
[00:29] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - da doi da go barna ot zade :>
[00:29] !JaSeN([email protected])! OPERWALL - takuf analen straj li si mi kaji
[00:30] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - analno banalo :> taka se jivei
[00:31] !lamecrew([email protected])! OPERWALL - wajen e jesta :>
[00:32] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - da;>
[00:46] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobar ve4er
[00:47] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - q zefo:) privet;)
[00:48] !PacMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - q lamzo
[00:49] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - q Ivan:) {}
[00:49] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - PacMan zatyjih sa za tebe ue baby:)
[00:53] !PacMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - hehe
[00:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk hvana teslata
[01:30] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka deca ..
[01:30] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka tatko:)
[01:46] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - che toi ne ti e tatko
[01:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk has left half the brain behind, back in that crazy place
[02:09] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - kajete mi postcode za *
[02:09] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :spamshit
[02:14] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - ha .. malko pozakusnqh
[02:37] !iTzKaTa([email protected])! OPERWALL - kvo gleda6 matzka , q prepora4ai ne6to
[02:38] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - adi az awayche:)
[02:39] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] SETPASS [#oriahovo]
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - nai setne
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - horata se umoriha da ti supportwat cql den
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ;]
[02:39] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - archone , dobro utro :>
[02:40] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro
[02:42] !ecko([email protected])! LOCOPS - ehhhhhhhh kolega
[02:42] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] NOEXPIRE [XaKyHa^MaTaTa] ON
[02:43] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[02:49] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka pi4ae
[02:49] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae
[02:50] !dlh[et`teh`muuv([email protected])! OPERWALL - leka :>
[02:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk is Now Lurking In The Dark, Watching You
[03:04] !cx([email protected])! LOCOPS - ecko, mnogo zle sa kolegite :>
[03:04] !ecko([email protected])! LOCOPS - zashto smqtash taka?
[03:05] !cx([email protected])! LOCOPS - daje ne chetat kato gi narejdam na locops ..
[03:07] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[03:07] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - deba boklucite ima tam
[03:07] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - nego li oprawiha weche ?
[03:07] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - w kakyw smisyl bokluci ?
[03:09] !cx([email protected])! LOCOPS - am.. toi ne te vijda :>
[03:09] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - edin admin nqmat kato horata, da si nastroqt pravilno mashinata...
[03:09] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - to si lichi;)
[03:09] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro utro
[03:57] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :dcc exploiter
[03:57] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - spri sa we :>
[03:57] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - shto?:)
[03:58] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - shoto taka mi haresva:)
[03:58] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - $ ve4er
[03:58] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - Pranky see ya dude:) {}
[03:58] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - Mama kvo ti stana ue:)
[03:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk stands up above the wreckage of your mortal world
[03:59] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - ninam sine :>
[03:59] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - mama dneska e navlqzla v nqkuf sobstven film .. i vyobshte ne znai za kvo staa vypros ;P
[03:59] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - xeaxeaaxexeax:)
[03:59] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - male kat kaza film
[03:59] !ShtoNeGleamFilm([email protected])! OPERWALL - do sq gleah Garfield.... strahoten e:)
[04:01] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - az kazvam $ vecher, a ne leka vecher, t.e idvam, ne zaminavam
[04:01] !TeogopkA`Film([email protected])! OPERWALL - az .. pak she gledam film
[04:01] !Benediction([email protected])! OPERWALL - LEKA
[04:05] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :dcc expl
[04:10] !OOP([email protected])! OPERWALL - q novo virush4e plyzva
[04:14] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - koe to ?
[04:41] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - W Klasnata staq na iwancho doshla nowa uchitelka. Imali urok za rasteniqta i uchitelkata narisuwala krastawica na dyskata:
[04:41] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Iwancho izbuhnal w smqh s cqlo gyrlo:
[04:41] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - - q , gospojata narisuwa kur!
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Celiqt klas izbuhnal w kikot. Wyzmutena uchitelkata iztichala da se oplache na direktorkata.
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Direktoryt wlqzal razqren w staqna:
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - - Pak li wie , be huligani , wsichkite shte wi izkliucha! I koe gowedo narisuwa toq kur na dyrkata!
[04:42] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - sha umra ne ne ne:)
[04:42] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqma takyw wic , a ~
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite za #internacional. lepri sayz
[04:42] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - Founder ne ne ne:)
[04:42] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ))
[04:43] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - do tuka wsichki otwryshtat samo s “hahahhhaaahahahahahahahahahaha” x10`itina pyt
[04:43] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - sup-ni:)
[04:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - op sa
[04:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - saaaaaaaa
[04:47] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - saaaaaa
[04:49] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * : hi ela v #biri... am ko ne iskam?
[04:50] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp-che;)
[04:55] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /who *
[04:55] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - ma mrejata ni e nai-golqmata prosto
[04:56] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - 9-ta v sveta li kvo beshe:)
[04:56] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - iskate li da q napraim 1-va;) utre sha vkaram milqrdi takiva izmisleni shitz;)
[04:56] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne che sym podstrikatel , no nemojesh
[04:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - exaexeaxxeaxeaaxeeax:)
[04:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :ai da vi eba maikata i na vas
[04:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - az sym lud...
[04:58] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - eeaxaexaxeaxe:)
[04:58] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - nema koi da supp-ne 3-ti
[04:58] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - az ne si znam parolite za backup linite , sorry
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - pa i kato znam... ako toq host ima gline sha zasegna pak nqkvi ikonomicheski interesi sigurno
[04:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk stands up above the wreckage of your mortal world
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - i pak sha ma izqdat.... sigurno i za nakazanie sha ma predloja
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - t
[04:59] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - eh ehh... shto ne sym malko po-visshestoqsht da vidish ti...
[05:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[06:57] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] SETPASS [sluncho]
[06:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk becomes a rider, who wielded a great hammer of war
[07:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk creeping from hell
[08:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk takes powers from the ancient ones who reigned
[09:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk has been running through the woods, reached the cemetery gates, climbed the gate between life and death and walked upon the moolit graves
[10:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[11:05] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobro utro
[11:05] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[11:05] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - suport
[11:06] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - tnx
[11:06] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[11:08] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tafe SAPORT
[11:11] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - takmo chetiah poslednite 3 maila
[11:11] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo fun
[11:11] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - men pyk ne sa ma abonirali za mail listata
[11:11] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - nenam sho
[11:11] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - shtoto non stop te povishavat i razjalvat
[11:12] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tafe da ti sa namira zahranvane 300 W?
[11:12] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - q ela na /q
[11:14] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - saport
[11:15] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - oshte edin pls
[11:18] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@* : pasive spamer
[11:18] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[11:19] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - adi bre bat basko
[11:20] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - misi
[11:48] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [dcc attack] (2h)
[11:48] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon!~[email protected] GLINE * [dcc attack] (2h)
[11:58] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk hvana teslata
[12:09] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin online
[12:21] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - Blank & Jones feat. Elles - Mind of the Wonderful
[12:26] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp pls
[12:30] !Backo([email protected])! OPERWALL - Supp..
[12:41] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobur den
[12:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk creeping from hell
[13:40] !ObieOne([email protected])! OPERWALL - brutru
[13:40] !fer([email protected])! OPERWALL - zdr
[13:40] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - zdr
[13:45] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Nasko is Now Lurking In The Dark, Watching You
[13:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other
[14:41] !iTzKaTa([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid #teen-sofia Founder invite iTzKaTa proveril
[14:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk has left half the brain behind, back in that crazy place
[15:05] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - get on the floor..
[15:22] !s0urce([email protected])! OPERWALL - dmem
[15:33] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - vchera pomolih tova *@* da se sloji v glinera
[15:34] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - pls sega ako ima admin!
[15:47] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - hi & bye
[15:48] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[15:59] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[15:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Closes In As The Last Candle Burns OuT
[16:11] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hello
[16:11] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - HELO
[16:16] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp pls
[16:17] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - UniBG Wap-IRC Getaway -//- èçïðàòåíà îò
[16:17] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - koi q e pisal taq novina?:)
[16:18] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - Tisho
[16:18] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - am kajete mu che se pishe gateway ne getaway :>
[16:18] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahah
[16:18] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - chekaj she fix
[16:18] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[16:19] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - moje da e getaway be
[16:19] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - moje i runaway da e
[16:19] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - haha
[16:19] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahaha..
[16:20] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - fix e ve4e
[16:20] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne e be
[16:20] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - UniBG Wap-IRC Getaway
[16:20] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - skii indexa
[16:20] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - Íîâèíèòå áÿõà ïðîìåíåíè. Ìîæåòå äà ïðîâåðèòå äàëè ïðîìåíèòå ñà âèäèìè íà ñòðàíèöàòà
[16:21] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - em..
[16:22] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - stana;)
[16:22] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - sega e fix
[16:24] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - Nonetheless, even today, Chalga lives on, probably as Bulgaria’s most listened to form of music, and the mainstay of many a party and disco. And the signs are that that is not likely to change for a long time to come.
[16:27] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - he
[16:36] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobar den
[16:36] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobur den
[16:37] !fer([email protected])! OPERWALL - [16:36] <dsuperrr> HI izleze noviq The Galaxy script.MOje6 da pra6ta6 SMS-i do Mtel i Globul.V neq ima snimki na vsi4ki pevici na payner i pi6e vsi4ki za tqh.
[16:37] !fer([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ : spam bot
[16:39] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefir.. zdrasti
[16:46] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] SECURE #ligliovci
[16:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk hvana teslata
[17:02] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin online
[17:04] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - za
[17:04] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:06] !Strange([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefir moje li za malko na priv ?
[17:09] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] SETPASS [Vratakieva]
[17:09] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - pechenia , wze li otnoshenie po wyprosa ?
[17:12] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - none?:)
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - misleh unknoewn , no beshe mnogo dylgo
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - unknown*
[17:12] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - e kak unknown be
[17:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - An old Billy Goat was scratching a young willow hard!
[17:13] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - star kozel mlada vurba liushteshe...
[17:17] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Pechenia!~[email protected] SETPASS [#club-arrogance]
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req. snifu
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - support
[17:44] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - niama
[17:44] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - auu che losh
[17:44] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - che e i founder invite za #WorlD`oF`IrC
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ako ima nqkoi admin mje da go forbidne
[17:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 17:44:32 ! * Quits: @RnB_GaMeN` ([email protected]) (Connection closed)
[17:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 17:44:36 ! -CS- Successor: RnB_GaMeN`
[17:45] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:45] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - qba
[17:46] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - huh
[17:47] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahahah
[17:47] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - tfa trea go slojim kato primer na web-a "KAKVA NE TRQBVA DA BYDE VASHATA PAroLA"
[17:48] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - bla typo ot neina strana
[17:48] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - mdam
[17:49] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - mda..
[17:49] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - hahahah
[17:49] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - toa trea da go prashta Global pri connect
[17:50] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - pf sq ko .. trqq si dropq nicka tai li stana ;Pp
[17:50] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - Cannibal !!!!
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - i tui kamache e ot burgas
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ot Bonn e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - abe nz ;p she pocherpi sq
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - ama e burgazliika
[17:51] !Pechenia([email protected])! OPERWALL - ai do
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - na men li go kazvash
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - idvala e v moite klubovi
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - naish kva tatra e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tq sa razhubavi be
[17:51] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - da e
[17:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[17:52] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - 90 kilogramova beshe pone
[17:52] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - kolko shte se e razhubavila
[17:52] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - tafe predi 3 godini moje i tolkoz da ebila;)
[17:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[18:06] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] NOEXPIRE [Fly`Girl] ON
[18:07] !tafe([email protected])! OPERWALL - zafo
[18:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - btw
[18:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - founder invite za #WorlD`oF`IrC
[18:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefir
[18:12] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - a kade ..
[18:13] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] FORBID #WorlD`oF`IrC [founder invite] (14d)
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ten kiu piipyl
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[18:14] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] FORBID MasteR_oF_HaKeR [founder invite] (14d)
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - i successora syshto inviteshe
[18:14] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - po-tochno toi inviteshe za drugiq ne znam
[18:15] !freeuser([email protected])! OPERWALL - 28d ;P
[18:15] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - rnb nehstosi
[18:16] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - svyr6i .. ve4e ..
[18:41] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin ima li za set na NoExpire na nick sweet`4e
[18:41] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - plz
[18:42] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - lame![email protected] NOEXPIRE [sweet`4e] ON
[18:43] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - mn. blagodarq
[18:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[19:20] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] UNGLINE *
[19:20] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] UNGLINE *
[19:24] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] NOEXPIRE [SexInstructoR] ON
[19:24] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - zefir![email protected] NOEXPIRE [Xtaz_devil] ON
[19:38] !Cannibal([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp plz
[19:51] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - ae deca koi addva v admins@
[19:52] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - tatkowcite
[19:52] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - kuma lisa
[19:52] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - maitapa nstrana
[19:52] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - dobre de..bratowched i
[19:52] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - nastoqvam da vidq koi sa addnati tam
[19:52] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefo..wseki admin:)
[19:53] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - cool , samo 4e iskam da q vidq
[19:53] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - v sf sam utre shte e
[19:53] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - ps
[19:53] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - vane , ti li si na admins be
[19:53] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - kakfo ?
[19:53] !Manch0([email protected])! OPERWALL - zefo..aa...ti za adminskata lista li ue lol ):) pomislih za kanala..iawno oshte ne sum buden
[19:54] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - da e
[19:54] !zefir([email protected])! OPERWALL - @
[19:54] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - admins e na lirex i tam koito ima dostap toi rulira
[19:54] !Founder([email protected])! OPERWALL - to za taq lista samo sestra mi deto ne e abonirata az ne q cheta a ima edna kamara useri deto q chetat
[19:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[20:04] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] GLINE *[email protected] [invite za druga mreja]
[20:04] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ìàññ èíâàéò çà #saints
[20:04] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 20:03:08 ! -Uredba-:#bourgas- vlezte v #Saints #Saints #Saints #Saints plssss
[20:04] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - i taka mnogo pati
[20:04] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] FORBID sexsi_pi4 [invite za druga mreja !] (20d)
[20:06] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - da vlezem da vlezem da vlezem
[20:07] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - mnoo invitqt tam be
[20:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - Archon shte forbidnesh li #Saints che pravqt flood-invite
[20:09] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - archone da udari gi
[20:10] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - founder invite?
[20:10] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne
[20:10] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid gi za 3 days
[20:11] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] SETPASS [#speed_]
[20:12] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - sorrka ama seki moje da invite za nqkade si
[20:12] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - dai inviterite za gline a teq gi ostai
[20:12] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - samo deto tozi vseki beshe v kanala
[20:12] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - i imashe bots v koito ne beshe na dk
[20:12] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - koeto az priemam za zatvarqne na ochite
[20:13] !Archon([email protected])! OPERWALL - daite hostovete za gline
[20:13] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - Uredba- was [email protected] * 1 shte ubiq drugite shte izbqgat
[20:13] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - zapovqdai
[20:14] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] GLINE * [nagal invie s flood] (6h)
[20:14] !DITRIX([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi
[20:19] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER |dianna| took the coffin
[20:20] !LamerMan([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :spam
[20:25] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER LOVER Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[20:37] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid #gsm-boikot plz
[20:37] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - da da da:)
[20:37] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - az moe li da ida da piq woda:>
[20:39] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[20:40] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - 10x
[20:40] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - np
[20:57] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin?
[20:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk becomes a rider, who wielded a great hammer of war
[21:02] !Milen([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite za #dm_x
[21:06] !Gliner([email protected])! WALLOPS - Manch0![email protected] GLINE *@ [spam]
[21:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 21:03:47 ! <golemi_bombi> ako si gotin/a vlez v #on-air
[21:09] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - support
[21:09] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Manch0![email protected] FORBID #gsm-boikot [Spam/Abuse/Invite,sprete se za malko, ima si drugi nachini za glasnost !!!] (14d)
[21:10] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - i tez ot #on-air plachat za invite
[21:10] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - uf
[21:10] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - forbid de
[21:10] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - :>
[21:11] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] DROP [sMaSh_InG] (owner req. lamerman proveril)
[21:15] !CS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] DROP [#punk] (DITRIX req.)
[21:37] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[21:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 21:44:03 ! <SpiKeX> Hey Zdravei!Aide da doide6 v #Sn1pers pls;]Ako ti haresa si go sloji na AutoJoin pls:]4ao i priqten 4at SpiKeX inviter
[21:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 21:44:15 ! <^_SeXy_^> Vlez v #irc-zone pls sladuri.V kanala na lubovta ima i igra {P}{P}{P} !!!
[21:44] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - support
[21:45] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[21:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req.snifu
[21:45] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite req.snifu
[21:53] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - Archon![email protected] NOEXPIRE [HuLyGaN] ON
[21:54] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - za * nqkoi shte request-ne li oshte
[21:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk comes from the east, holding a spike club
[22:06] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] GLINE * [exploiter] (1 matches)
[22:07] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - supp pls burzo
[22:07] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[22:08] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] GLINE *@ [flood] (3h) (74 matches)
[22:08] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - mersi:)
[22:14] !NS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] DROP [piranq] (oper req)
[22:19] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[22:19] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[22:35] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT
[22:36] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - winagi;p
[22:37] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - are oshte 1 da go tringem mnoo invitqt tiq
[22:38] !bIsO([email protected])! OPERWALL - koe che sq vlizam
[22:38] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline * :invite req.snifu
[22:38] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - am .. az uj go supportnah .. ma ne se triggva
[22:38] !OS([email protected])! WALLOPS - edva_li!~[email protected] GLINE * [mass invite] (2h) (0 matches)
[22:38] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - 10x
[22:39] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - biso ela da te .. na private
[22:42] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req. snifu
[22:43] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - /gline *@ :invite req. snifu
[22:48] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - nahtepa ela na /q
[22:49] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahaha
[22:49] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - kaji i imam wazhno info
[22:50] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - bad .. ne che sum podstrikatelka .. ma mnogo ti sa smeishe
[22:51] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - what am i supposed to do?
[22:51] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT
[22:51] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - boi
[22:51] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - na SARWARA :Pp
[22:52] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - nali
[22:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - BADANGELE
[22:53] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - bai angele
[22:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - nali
[22:53] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - da
[22:53] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - moment
[22:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT be kak kwo:
[22:54] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - saport za moito ve ;p
[22:54] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - support se pishe bre, dtevgz:)
[22:54] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - ne e wErno
[22:54] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - tvoito go supportnah
[22:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SAPORT SA PIshe ne lujete be
[22:54] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - baka
[22:56] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[22:56] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - *@
[22:57] !BadAngel([email protected])! OPERWALL - margeo pls i *@
[22:58] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - a to trignalo
[22:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Comes Around And The Light Of Day Is GonE
[23:01] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - admin online ?
[23:06] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - [23:06:27] <SanServ> chanflood: CS joining #use is potential flooder
[23:06] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - ahahahahah
[23:08] !maniax([email protected])! OPERWALL - nqma po-golqm flooder ot cs
[23:08] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - s NS sa konkurenciq
[23:10] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - re
[23:10] !dlh([email protected])! OPERWALL - wb
[23:12] !TeogopkA([email protected])! OPERWALL - [23:12:36] <Taz_devil> nqkoi admin bili slojil +i na #sopot che pravqt tui kat gledam fake invite za toz kanal?
[23:14] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - Taz_devil ne e fake invite ami si e bash founder invite
[23:52] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - SA POR (t)
[23:53] !X-PrAnK([email protected])! OPERWALL - snifu /gline * :server flood
[23:53] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - òåäè ñÀ ÏÎÐ òíè ìè äå
[23:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - ten kiu
[23:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL -
[23:54] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - adi pak
[23:55] !snifu([email protected])! OPERWALL - x-prank ti si baby:P
[23:59] !Kelesh([email protected])! LOCOPS - OPER Kypnuk Closes In As The Last Candle Burns OuT